Nikki Trim: Meet the Artist

Meet Nikki Trim an artist specializing in acrylic, oil and watercolor painting. Nikki was first introduced to LRCFA through After Dark Creston 2021 where she painted a mural located at Discount Home Improvement on Leonard. We are excited to share more of her vibrant work within the community.

Q: How did you get involved with Lions and Rabbits?

A: Through Jasmine Bruce

Q: What themes/ideas are highlighted in your work? Intentions?

A: The beauty of the natural world and enhancing that beauty with atypical colors that elevate the images to a dream like state. The intention is quite often for the viewer to come away with a sense of peace and joy.

After Dark 2021 at Discount Home Improvement 1157 Plainfield Ave NE Grand Rapids, MI 49503

Q: Run us through your creative process - How do you start, flow and finish?

A: Art has always been a form of therapy for me as well as a passion. I like to create landscapes that I wish to disappear into. I start with a landscape image or place that inspires me and then dive into it. I know it is completed when I no longer wish to alter any of the elements.

Q: What obstacles/struggles have you encountered throughout your career as an artist? Or challenges you face through your creative process

A: When I was younger it was never my intention to have a career in art because I was one of those people that believed I couldn’t just do what I loved, I had to have a “real job” as defined by others. Now after several years in the field I’m finally at the level where I’m confident enough to claim the title of artist and move forward boldly and with intention. I’m confident enough to let my work speak for itself rather than always questioning if I’m good enough or if people will like my work.

Q: Can you share a little more about how your art career started. Have you always been in your field? Were you self taught or had additional schooling?

A: I’m a self taught artist that had the added advantage of many classic trained artists as friends. I was in a cubicle job where I was making OK money but was completely miserable, like my soul was missing and getting further away every day I spent in that gray box. Because I knew so many friends that were making a living off of art and because I had always dabbled in it myself, I finally decided to take the leap and focus on art full-time. It was one of the best decisions of my life. I also had the advantage of getting my masters in French and comparative literature from the University of Kent based in Canterbury and Paris. I lived in both locations during my graduate program and our component in Paris focused heavily on French artistic movements. I fell in love with surrealism and wrote my dissertation on the topic. Surrealism always influences my work whether the images turned out to be surreal or not.

Q: Who/what are your biggest inspirations that play a key role in the work you produce?

A: Watching the world travels of Friends and family is a huge source of inspiration. It allows me to feel like I am a part of the travel from the comfort of home and create something unique from the experiences of others. Style-wise, some of my all-time favorite artists are Gustave Moreau and Leanora Carrington.

Q: What mistakes have you made? What did you learn from them? What are you trying to get better at?

A: Failing to market myself and handle the business end of an art career has definitely been a struggle for me but it is also a constant work in progress. I have learned to put myself out there and to try and stay focused on my goals and not get lost in the creation process and constant production without any focus on sales.

Q: Do you feel supported by your community as an artist? In what ways could you feel more supported?

A: I absolutely feel supported by my community. I would not have made it as far as an artist without their support and their continued belief in my abilities and goals. As far as further support, I struggle at times with knowing how to approach galleries and find opportunities so it is always helpful for people to point those out or reach out!

Q: Describe a moment when you felt most proud of yourself

A: Honestly, completing my After Dark mural through Lions and Rabbits was one of my proudest moments as an artist. It is my largest piece to date and I was so happy with how it turned out and the fact that my community will get to see it and benefit from it. It was a project I did on my own with no help from anyone else on brushes so when I look at that wall I can see my hands and something I was able to build from the ground up.

Q: What's most important to you about what you create, and how it impacts others?

A: What is most important to me about my work is spreading serenity and happiness and maybe bringing a little bit of light to this very dark world. It also makes me feel like I am leaving behind pieces of a legacy that will live long after me.

Q: What's next? What are you currently focusing on or looking forward to?

A: I am starting a cocktails and canvas event with the owner of InBooze cocktail infusions and I am so excited for this project and these events! Partnering with InBooze is so ideal and I will be able to teach others some of the landscape tricks I have learned over the years. Looking forward to bringing together community around art, great drinks, food, and fun!

Q: What does being an artist mean to you? What is the function of artists in society?

A: Being an artist to me means living by my own rules. It means creating what I want to create and occupying a vital role in society while doing so. Everyone appreciates art every single day in someway, it is part of what makes the human experience worthwhile. One of my favorite quotes about art is from the movie V for Vendetta when Evie says “artists use lies to tell the truth.” I believe artists reflect the world back to us in ways that we didn’t consider previously and we are all richer for it.

Q: And of course, if you could chose any vehicle to travel, real or imaginary what would it be?

A: I’m going to have to go with the TARDIS from Doctor Who since it will allow me to travel through both space and time!

Follow more of Nikki’s work on

Thank you for tuning into this week’s Meet the Artist, be sure to checkout more artist stories every week on our blog!

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