Creativity is the most powerful catalyst for community change. We can help you harness it.

Our Approach

The challenges facing our communities are complex and interconnected. 

Cookie-cutter solutions won't cut it. 

Real transformation demands a creative, strategic, and collaborative approach that is immediate, sustainable, and cost-effective.

That's where we come in. Our mission is to help our partners ― from neighborhood associations to municipal agencies to anchor institutions ― integrate creativity into their community development efforts for maximum impact.

We believe that the most effective strategies are grounded in deep local knowledge and relationships.

That's why the first step in our process is always listening.

Through community forums, one-on-one interviews, and collaborative design sessions, we work with you to uncover the unique assets, needs, and opportunities in your area. We help you engage key stakeholders, build consensus around a shared vision, and identify the specific ways that arts and culture can accelerate your goals.

From there, we develop a tailored action plan that combines proven placemaking techniques with innovative, context-specific ideas. Our extensive network of artists, builders, creative workers, and cultural organizations means we can quickly activate your plan with the right people and resources.

But we don't just deliver a strategy and walk away. 

We invest in the long-term capacity of your team and your community to sustain and scale the work. Through coaching, training, and ongoing thought partnership, we help you build the skills, relationships, and systems to keep the momentum going.


  • Cultural asset mapping and needs assessments

  • Stakeholder engagement and consensus building

  • Arts and culture district planning

  • Creative placemaking project development

  • Artist selection and project management

  • Public art policy and master planning

  • Creative economy research and strategy

  • Capacity building workshops and coaching

  • Impact measurement and storytelling


  • Increased community ownership and pride

  • Strengthened social cohesion and civic engagement

  • Improved public health, safety, and wellness

  • Expanded access to arts and culture

  • Accelerated socio-economic development

  • Enhanced community identity and sense of place

Ready to put creativity to work for your community? Let's talk.