Artist Interviews Hannah Berry Artist Interviews Hannah Berry

Lisa Pavia: Meet the Artist

My name is Lisa Pavia and I’m a Grand Rapids-based illustrator. I am originally from Flushing, Michigan—on the east side of the state—but moved here about ten years ago to go to Kendall College of Art & Design. I majored in graphic design and took a few printmaking classes while I was there..

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Artist Interviews Hannah Berry Artist Interviews Hannah Berry

Dave Battjes: Meet the Artist

Hi, I'm Dave. I love painting big letters on crusty outdoor walls, playing with my hyper active dogs, and scrolling endlessly through art and design on Dribbble and Pinterest. Letterforms are my go to whenever I pick up pencil and paper. I started playing with letters back in 2012 and found a medium I wanted to stick with.

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Artist Interviews Hannah Berry Artist Interviews Hannah Berry

DeVante Barnes: Meet the Artist

Meet DeVante, an artist using their talents of expression through mediums of digital painting, music production, illustration, murals and graphic design. DeVante is an artist of many skillsets. We first worked with them on Windows GR 2020, their piece below is now a part of the Grand Rapids Public Museum permanent collection…

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Artist Interviews Hannah Berry Artist Interviews Hannah Berry

Keyon Lovett: Meet the Artist

Throughout this interview Keyon accounts his obstacles as an artist and human, constantly prevailing through his journey. From Flint, MI we’ve had the pleasure of working with Keyon on past initiatives like Barricade and Gone Boarding Skate party. A painter, graphic designer and illustrator he highlights the importance of art in society…

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Artist Interviews Hannah Berry Artist Interviews Hannah Berry

Nick Nortier: Meet the Artist

Meet Nick Nortier a muralist specializing in printmaking and illustration. Nick has worked with Lions and Rabbits on several projects including After Dark 2020, After Dark artist markets, Barricades and curated work in the gallery. Nick shares more about his work, process and inspiration in the following interview.

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Initiatives Hannah Berry Initiatives Hannah Berry

Barricade Initiative

This summer Lions & Rabbits Center for the Arts (LRCFA), in partnership with Downtown Grand Rapids Inc. (DGRI), set out to paint all 135 concrete barriers to welcome people into these spaces free for everyone to enjoy…

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